The role of filter cotton in automotive paint baking rooms

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  • Release time: 2024-05-13

The car paint baking room is a complete set of large-scale equipment. Before use, the car generally needs to undergo preliminary treatment. This is not only because the paint baking room can uniformly heat up and quickly dry the paint surface according to the operator's settings, but also because the paint baking room can isolate the pollution caused by external pollutants such as dust on the car paint. In order to maintain the cleanliness of the air in the paint room, various types of paint rooms are equipped with filtering devices, such as filter cotton, which is used to filter the dust entering the paint room. During painting, the external air is filtered by the primary filter cotton and sent to the roof by a fan. After being filtered and purified by the top filter cotton for a second time, it enters the room. After the initial filtration of fresh air by the fan, it exchanges heat with the heat exchanger and is sent to the air chamber on the top of the paint baking room. After a second filtration and purification, the hot air is circulated through the internal circulation of the air door.


Aoris Purification Equipment (Shandong) Co.,Ltd. was established in 2024 and is a subsidiary of Zouping Junwei Co., Ltd, lt was established in 2013, The company has a production factory in Zouping, Binzhou, Shandong, with a production workshop of 10000 square meters. The company mainly produces and sells ceiling filter cotton, flame retardant cotton, fiberglass filter cotton, plate/bag air filters, paint mist filters, high-efficiency filters. 

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